Ausdance National President’s report March 2017

Members of the new Ausdance National Council will commence in their roles following the Annual General Meeting on 19 March 2017. Led by National President Gene Moyle, this is a group of highly experienced and skilled individuals who will now take charge of your national peak body and continue its work into the future. I thank the Australia Council for providing additional funding to allow the new council to meet face to face during 2017 as they consider the future of the organisation.

Last year, the interim executive developed a draft strategic plan with a vision that states that by 2020, Ausdance National will be:

  • reaffirmed as the leading national advocate for dance in Australia
  • the leader of a respected, integrated and sustainable Ausdance network supporting and promoting professional dance practice in Australia
  • financially sustainable and empowered in a new funding environment.

What should a peak service organisation look like in 2020? What priority services, programs and projects should it provide? How should it build and engage with its membership?

While we celebrate Ausdance’s 40th Anniversary this year and many significant achievements, Ausdance National also needs to consider these critical questions as the new council sets in place a viable plan for the future without core operational funding. The support and contribution of our members around the country will be an essential part of that conversation.

Ausdance National and the Ausdance state and territory organisations that make up the network will continue to make a significant contribution to dance across Australia and internationally. While acknowledging that the future is not without its challenges for Ausdance National in the short-medium term, I am also excited at this unique opportunity to build and secure the future of dance in Australia through the uniquely integrated services of Ausdance.

I take this opportunity to again acknowledge and thank our hard working staff—Rachael Jennings, our publications & communications manager and Leanne Craig, who co-ordinates the Australian Dance Awards selection process and assists with administration.

I look forward to reporting on Ausdance National’s 2016 activities and our plans for 2017 at the AGM—I hope some of you will be able to join us in Melbourne to meet some of the new council members and to join me in congratulating them and wishing them the very best.

Shane Colquhoun
Interim National President