Dance in the Australian Curriculum

With the arts now part of the Australian Curriculum, we continue to promote dance as a key artform in alongside music, visual arts, drama and media arts.

Project Status

With a new Australian Curriculum now a reality, we have successfully made the case for dance to be resourced as a subject area in its own right. Dance now has equal status in the learning environment with other art forms, from early childhood through to the final years of schooling.

We achieved this through a united voice for arts education with our advocacy partners the National Advocates for Arts Education (NAAE).

The NAAE, which represents the five art forms included as separate subjects in the curriculum, has been campaigning for seven years on behalf of arts educators across the country. The Arts were not initially included in the national curriculum at all, so the final endorsement in October 2015 marks a significant occasion when The Arts are not only in the curriculum, but they include all five art forms: Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and the Visual Arts.

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The Australian Curriculum: The Arts has already received international recognition as a leader in 21st Century curriculum. Australia is in the unique position of having an Arts curriculum that provides sequential development for each art form, achieving language cohesion without homogenisation, and using appropriately more specialised language in the secondary years. The curriculum provides teachers with information for implementation support across the five art forms.

The National Advocates for Arts Education (NAAE) will continue to work on advocacy and implementation issues as the curriculum is rolled out across the country.

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We are working to ensure that the new dance curriculum (now part of the Australian curriculum) is high quality, provides every Australian child with a sequential and developmental dance experience, and that teachers are well resourced to teach it. We will help dance educators and students by highlighting successful teaching models and best practice, and give teachers the support they need to run a successful dance program.