John Haag

John Haag has worked in Australia and overseas in a wide range of performance roles. He has also worked as illustrator in places such as QNPWS and QAC. In the last five years Jon studied animation and recently formed Moco, a company that explores motion capture as a tool in live performance. John is currently a Masters Research (performance studies) student at QUT (2008).



Inertial motion capture and live performance

3D Motion capture is a fast evolving field and recent inertial technology may expand the artistic possibilities for its use in live performance. Inertial motion capture has three attributes that make it suitable for use with live performance; it is portable, easy to use and can operate in real-time. Using four projects, this paper discusses the suitability of inertial motion capture to live performance with a particular emphasis on dance. Dance is an artistic application of human movement and motion capture is the means to record human movement as digital data. As such, dance is clearly a field in which the use of real-time motion capture is likely to become more common, particularly as projected visual effects including real-time video are already often used in dance performances. Understandably, animation generated in real-time using motion capture is not as extensive or as clean as the highly mediated animation used in movies and games, but the quality is still impressive and the ‘liveness’ of the animation has compensating features that offer new ways of communicating with an audience.