Hahna Briggs

Hahna Briggs is a Dunedin-based dance practitioner working in improvisation, and community, contemporary and integrated dance. Appointed the 2013 University of Otago Community Dance Caroline Plummer Fellow, Hahna has a Dance Studies MA and was a University of Otago teaching fellow 2011–12. She co-founded Aha Dance Collective and Pretty Gay Productions, and has performed for Dance Lab (University of Otago), WEAVE Movement Theatre (Melbourne), Lyne Pringle and Suzanne Cowan.



Able as anything: integrated dance in New Zealand

This paper firstly examines theoretical perspectives on dance and disability with a discussion of the ideal dancing body and strategies for how the disabled body may reiterate or disrupt such constructions. Secondly, it presents concrete analyses of two works by Touch Compass as an illustration of the ways in which disability and the dancing body on stage are constructed through choreographic imagery and iconography.