Towards a safer and more inclusive dance industry

Safety, inclusion and mobilisation at the intersection of diversity requires urgent action. 

We believe change is a collective movement and everyone has their part to play in creating the inclusive, accessible and safe dance industry this country deserves. 

We also believe that change starts at home, and we are carefully assessing how best to move forward sustainably, respectfully and with appropriate consultation.

The board of Ausdance National:

  • Is committed to examining, better understanding and advocating for equity, anti-discrimmination and intersectional diversity in the Australian dance environment. 
  • Prioritises safety in all its forms and supports safe spaces for such discussions.
  • Values the unique capacity of dance for cross-cultural exchange, knowledge-sharing, artistic expression, healing and storytelling.
  • Promotes respectful communication, interactions and behaviour across all platforms throughout the dance community.

As a first step towards a safer and more inclusive dance industry, Ausdance National has formed a diversity working party to develop Terms of Reference for a new Standing Committee on Diversity & Inclusion that will advise the Board.

Once formed, we look forward to working with, and supporting, diversity advocates, community leaders, key organisations and industry professionals across the Ausdance network and beyond to enable a more inclusive, accessible and safer dance community for everyone connected by, and living on, these lands.

As a not-for-profit organisation operating without any government funding and a voluntary board, we appreciate your patience in this process.